Sunday School
Sunday school classes are offered from 9:15 -10 am. Classes are an opportunity for all adults to engage with biblical truth and grow in Christian maturity.
The Fear of God, video series facilitated by Don Von Bergen
Faith Family Night
Faith Family Night meets on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 pm for dinner together, singing, and a kid-friendly teaching time from the Word of God. This is an opportunity for young and old, married and singles to build relationships with one another, to worship together, and to grow in the application of God's Word. Faith Family Night will restart September 4.
The Women's Ministry at Faith Bible Church is called Rooted. Access the Rooted Women's Ministry page here.
The Men's Ministry at Faith Bible Church is called Ironmen. Access the Men's Ministry page here.
Adult & Family Events
Click on each image for event information.